This picture has something particular that I would like to discuss. And it was an article on Eric Kim’s blog that made me aware of it.
The picture that I shot in the streets of Plaka, the main tourist destination in Athens, has a particular type of composition that helps with the story telling. It is shot in layers. At the right area of the picture we see a photographer taking a picture. In the middle of the picture and clearly further away and in focus the subject of this photographer. And blurred in the background we can see the silhouettes of some people. So the picture has three visible layers plus the one of the observer/photographer of this picture.
This layering gives the picture depth, and this depth already tells a visual story even without looking at the facial expression of the main subject. I frankly admit that when shooting the picture I did not consider this layer idea at all. I saw the photographer shooting the woman and this attracted my attention and so I pressed the button. And because this picture was taken later in the evening the aperture was wide open which leads to a shallow depth of field and the blur in the for- and background.
Thinking about the concept I find it very attractive. Layering a picture adds the visual story to the picture that you find rarely if you shoot street portraits only. And because of the double blur the picture has more tension which helps the story telling as well.
I find this technique interesting and I will use in the future purposefully.
For those who don't know him - Eric Kim is a well known street photographer who runs a website with a very comprehensive blog. Eric promotes street photography and shares generously his photographic insights, experience and educational ideas. Here is the link to his website.