The Inner Core Project is the attempt to show the inner being of a person in photographies. The images are shot with intentional camera movement and long exposure times. Partially the blur also occurs due to the movement of my “models”. All in all until now (November 2020) I have taken the pictures of five participants. Thank you all so much!
You find a detailed description of the project in several articles in the blog section of this website.
Marine is a dancer with the Osnabrück Theater Dance Company in Osnabrück, Germany.
Marine chose dance expression to approach her inner core.
Gabriella is a dancer with the Osnabrück Theatre Dance Company. Gabriella brought music to the shooting and chose to improvise dancing movements to approach her inner core.
Neven is a dancer with the Osnabrück Thater Dance Company, Osnabrück. Germany.
Neven chose nature experience as a way to approach his inner core.
Surya is a Yoga teacher at a Yoga school in Osnabrück, Germany.
She chose a trance dance to approach her inner core.
Betty chose relaxation and inner image projection to approach her inner core.
Tania chose sitting quietly to approach her inner core.
Motion blur image of Sarah dancing at Thistle Hall, Wellington, New Zealand
motion blur dance image
A collection of images shot with intentional camera movement (ICM) technique. The pictures were taken in different locations in Rome, Wellington, Tokyo and Athens, Greece.
Image shot in the streets of Tokyo with intentional camera movement technique (ICM). Converted to b&w from the original image.
Image taken in the streets of Tokyo.
Image taken in the streets of Tokyo.
ICM picture taken at the Van Gogh multi-media performance in Toronto, October 2022.
ICM picture taken at the Van Gogh multi-media performance in Toronto, October 2022.
ICM picture taken at the Van Gogh multi-media performance in Toronto, October 2022.
ICM picture taken at the Van Gogh multi-media performance in Toronto, October 2022.
As I have become more immersed into portrait photography I have created this portrait gallery. I don’t know how exactly this will develop over the time but currently this will be the place to go to for new portrait work.
Nadia is a professionally trained dancer in Athens, Greece. I met her in October 2023 at Thekla Gaiti’s Experimenta Studio. Nadia gave a dance performance for the photographer where she showed me her amazing artistic abilities.
Nadia is a professionally trained dancer in Athens, Greece. I met her in October 2023 at Thekla Gaiti’s Experimenta Studio. Nadia gave a dance performance for the photographer where she showed her artistic abilities.
Iris is a dancer, choreographer and teacher in Athens, Greece. I met her at Experimenta, the actors and dancers studio of my friend Thekla in Athens.
Portrait of my photographer-friend Chrystal at Distillery District, Toronto, October 2022. Chrystal is a graphic designer in Toronto. She runs her own little photography business and shoots portraits and boudoir.
I met Sean at a restaurant in Toronto, where he works as a waiter. This is one of his many jobs. He told me that he has a radio show at CIUT 89.5 FM radio every Wednesday night from 8-10pm.
Sean exuded the air of a man who has seen a lot, experienced a lot and had lived his life fully and intensely.
I met Ellie in the neighbourhood of Plaka in Athens, Greece. She works there at a restaurant as the “beauty girl” who’s task it is to allure tourists into that restaurant. She told me that she had never worked as a model before.
I met Orlagh on the stairs outside Auckland Art Gallery. She was just passing by. I asked her if she was willing to have her portrait taken. To my surprise she agreed.
Pelousa is an internet content creator for a company in Athens that produces childrens’ clothes. She is also a student at Athens University.
I met her at a photo shoot where I was invited to take pictures of a collection for the owners of the above mentioned clothing company.
Kalopsia is an incredibly talented professional model based in Toronto, Canada. I met Kalopsia during my stay in Toronto in autumn 2022 through a Canadian friend who organised some photo shoots for me. We had two shooting sessions together for portrait, nude portrait and the Inner Core Project.
Kalopsia is a trained actor. She travels between Canada and the US for work.
Miss X is a poet and writer and also a project organiser and manager in Toronto, Canada.
I shot an Inner Core dance session with Sarah some months before. Some of these pictures are in the Inner Core Gallery of this website. Sarah agreed on an outdoor portrait session at Wellington’s botanical garden.
I met Ellie in the neighbourhood of Plaka in Athens, Greece. She works there at a restaurant as the “beauty girl” who’s task it is to allure tourists into that restaurant. She told me that she had never worked as a model before.
Daria is a professional photo model in Toronto, Canada. We did an Inner Core and portrait/nude session at a photo studio together. Some of her pictures are also in the nude portrait gallery on this website.
Studio portrait of the beautiful professional model Kalopsia, taken in Toronto.
Miss Renee-Rose is a professional photo model in Wellington, New Zealand. She travels for shootings between cities in the country. I was approached by her on Model Mayhem, mainly for an Inner Core Project shooting (pictures in the Inner Core gallery). We also took some nude portraits, you find them in the nude portrait gallery.
Ian is a good friend of mine. He is the Medical Director of a hospice in Wellington, New Zealand. He and his daughter Sophie agreed on a portrait session at his home in Eastbourne/Wellington.
Io is a musician in Athens, Greece. She sings Greek folk repertoire in a most beautiful and touching way. I met her in the street where she was busking with a group of musicians. I asked them, if they permitted me to take pictures during their performance. They agreed. Later we chatted a little and I asked some of them, if they were interested in some portrait sessions. Io agreed, and so the pictures of her happened.
A tattooed young man in the streets of Wellington New Zealand on New Years Eve 2021.
Tom is an incredibly gifted guitarist and singer, playing and living the blues. I had the pleasure of doing some photo shoots during some of his gigs. We did a portrait shoot together at Athens National Gardens.
Rose H is a very experienced professional photo model working out of Auckland, New Zealand. She approached me via Modelmayham for an Inner Core photo shoot. We did that and added a series of portraits.
Tibor was a traveller from Germany visiting Wellington, New Zealand. I met him in front of the Wellington City Art Gallery where he was having a rest in the sun. He agreed to my spontaneous request for a street portrait shoot.
I met the young woman in the streets of Athens during a public fair. It was a short “Hello, may I take your picture?” “Yes, ok!” encounter.
Dinos is a musician who plays Greek folk music. I met him with a group of street musicians in the streets of Athens.
The girls in this picture celebrated New Years Eve at Courtney Place, Wellington’s party quarter. When they became aware of the photographer they took poses that reflected a traditional Maori dance in New Zealand that is called the “Haka”.
A page with selected artistic nude portraits.